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Code of Conduct

Lockdown University is a space for learning, sharing ideas, and educating one another. LU values the coexistence of differing perspectives and the exploration of complex ideas. LU expects all members of the community to engage respectfully with speakers, staff, and one another. LU reserves the right to remove anyone from the community who fails to respect these values. To participate in this community, please adhere to the following LU community values:

  • Learning isn’t always linear. We all make mistakes and change our minds. This is a space for growth, forgiveness, and new perspectives.
  • Dialogue should be respectful, and all participants must refrain from using offensive and aggressive language or hate speech in all communications, including the webinar chat function.
  • Openness to opposing viewpoints, mindful communication, and an interest in broadening one’s knowledge are essential to creating a space for mutual inquiry and understanding.
  • We are inclusive and respectful of people of every race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion, age, physical appearance, language, immigration status, economic status, and political ideology.