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Silvia Nacamulli

About Silvia Nacamulli

an image of Silvia Nacamulli

Silvia Nacamulli is a master in the art of traditional Italian-Jewish home cuisine. London-based, born and bred in Rome, Silvia grew up surrounded by Italy’s culture and love of food. She went to Israel to study political science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and then moved to London where she obtained a Msc in politics of the world economy from the LSE, but eventually her passion for food prevailed and in 2002 she set up her business, Cooking for the Soul, where she has established herself as a much-loved professional cook, lecturer, and food writer. Silvia has given hundreds of cookery demonstrations and lectures at cookery schools, universities, charities, synagogues, fairs, and festivals worldwide, and she is on the advisory board of FOODISH, the culinary wing of ANU - the Museum of the Jewish People. Her first book, Jewish Flavours of Italy: A Family Cookbook, has just been published by Green Bean Books.

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