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Maya Lasker-Wallfisch

About Maya Lasker-Wallfisch

an image of Maya Lasker-Wallfisch

Maya Lasker-Wallfisch was born in London into a family of musicians. Her mother, Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, is of Jewish-German descent and survived the concentration camps Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen. After arriving in England, Anita became a cofounder of the English Chamber Orchestra. Maya has recently relocated to Berlin and works as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, author, educator, and activist. Maya has a particular interest in the transgenerational trauma of the children of perpetrators and their victims. Her second and most recent book Ich schreib euch aus Berlin covers her relocation to Berlin which she is writing about to her grandparents in the form of letters. Currently, Maya is working on a film project about her journey to Auschwitz along with the son and grandson of Rudolf Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz.