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Trudy Gold
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Wednesday 22.03.2023

Trudy Gold - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

- Good evening, everyone, and tonight, I’ve put in an extra presentation on “The Protocols” because I think it was quite important to bring the whole notion of anti-Semitism together into the most infamous forgery that the world has ever known, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Now, the books I would recommend on this would be Norman Cohn… He called his book of 1967… He was a German Jew and a historian, and he called his “Warrant for Genocide.” The other book I would recommend is by an Israeli, Hadassa Ben-Itto: “The Lie That Wouldn’t Die.” Or another book you might be interested in is the brilliant Steve Zipperstein’s book on Kishinev and the tilt of history when one of the main reasons behind that appalling pogrom was, in fact, “The Protocols.” So what are they? How did they come into existence? Why are they such a potent force today? Why have they been translated into over 120 different languages? I’m going to tell you a silly little personal story. I was in Penzance recently. My daughter lives in Cornwall. And I went to buy some bread in artisan shop, and it was quite expensive. To make conversation, I said, “Goodness, this must be because of the war in the Ukraine and the price of wheat.” He said, “No.” He said, “It’s about the Rothschilds and the Jewish conspiracy.” I looked at him. Because I’m me, I entered into debate, and I basically gave him a 10-minute lecture. And whenever he sees me walking past the shop now, he goes and hides in the back room.

Now, I’m telling you a silly little story because the problem is “The Protocols” are alive and well wherever people believe in conspiracy. And when do people want to believe in conspiracy? When there is economic, social, and political unrest. You see, we are not creatures of the enlightenment, are we? We are creatures of irrationality, and the problem with the Jews, the problem with the image of the Jew, is that you’ve got this long-standing association of the Jew and money and, therefore, power plus, of course, the infamous deicide. Now, let’s duck back from paranoia. I really do not believe that every Gentile believes Jews killed Jesus. I don’t believe that, but the point is it’s this negative image in the culture. And the association of the Jew with money comes from the fact that Jews were not allowed into most trades and professions. They did become money lenders despite the fact that, if you took a survey of the Jewish population in 1939, the bulk of them were actually quite poor, so it’s not about fact. It’s about fiction. It’s about a germ of an idea and the other issue: where does the idea of power come from? Well, one of the things that we been talking about when we looked at Germany was how Jews go into what I call visible employment patterns. They were at the forefront of modernity, so consequently, yes, department stores were more or less a Jewish invention.

Yes, they did go into self-service restaurants. Yes, they did go into the food business. They did go into law. They did go into accountancy out of all proportion to their numbers, and I suppose what we have to deal with is an extraordinary success story. Today, there are under 14 million Jews in the whole world, and yet, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is alive and well. I have three copies. One of them is a first edition of Eyre & Spottiswoode, who were the Queen’s publishers, by the way. Another I bought on a Black civil rights book stall in New York in the ‘80s. And the third a student of mine bought as a present for me, what a present, from the mosque in Regent’s Park. It circulated widely in the Arab world. It circulated widely in Russia. It circulates widely in Hungary, in most of Easter Europe. It circulates amongst all sorts of Evangelical and right-wing and fascist groups. But it’s also been picked up by the left, the extreme left, and added to it now, of course, is the whole story of Israel. The point is the fact that Israel gets more negative press than any other country in the world. Check the United Nations figures, and you will see there are 2/3 more motions passed against the Jewish state than any other nation.

And I’m not here talking politics. I’m talking about a perception. So the idea that all Jews are rich and powerful and rule the world, where does this come from? Because Jews are international. And even though in the modern period, until we’re blue in the face, if you think about German Jews, Germans of the Mosaic persuasion, a 1/3 of them converted. 45% intermarried: in France, Frenchmen; in England, Englishmen. So where does it come from? It comes from this notion of conspiracy. Look, people love conspiracy theories. Marilyn Monroe is alive and well. So is Elvis. Less dangerous, but “The Protocols” is so dangerous because, of course… Think of what Norman Cohn called it: “The warrant for genocide.” Hitler swallowed it whole and talked about it in “Mein Kampf,” and I’m going to read, unfortunately, a little to you later. So I think it is important to know the facts. One of the ways I believe we have to combat anti-Semitism, and I know there are thousands of organisations now sticking plasters over gaping wounds… What we really have to do is to have the knowledge, and I’m beginning to think that the only way we can ever do it is actually if, in the school system, they could do courses on Jewish history. Let’s forget all the museums to the Shoah, which are being more and more dejudaized. Let’s concentrate on telling our story. We’re meant to be a literate people. I know I’m dealing with the audience of the converted here, but having said that, I know that there are so many Jews who are very bright but don’t know their own history. And one thing I do believe… If you want real power, real power over yourself, then knowledge does help.

And that’s why I depressed myself. I’ve had a headache all day because this is not an easy lecture to give any more than it’s an easy lecture to take, and I do admire you for listening to it, because it’s important; nevertheless, I think it is important we have the knowledge. And I could’ve chosen from so many different covers. I’ve just chosen those four. I had books full of pictures of covers of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” and in Egypt, there was a huge series talking about “The Protocols.” In the Arab world, unfortunately, it has been currency. Let’s hope it’s going to disperse now, but as I said, it’s still the plausibility of it all. I’m going to read to you now from Daniel Pipes, and listen very carefully to his words 'cause it’s interesting: “The great importance of 'The Protocols’ lies in permitting anti-Semites to reach beyond traditional circles and find an international audience, a process that continues to this day. The vagueness, no names, no dates, has been one of the keys to its success. Also, that Jews use all the tools available, capitalism, communism, philo- and anti-Semitism, democracy and tyranny, and even destruction of elements of its own people, made it possible to really reach the tale.” One of the most appalling calumnies, and I’m going to address it in a lecture later on, is the equation of Zionism with Naziism. This evil anti-Semitic notion is that; it’s going to choke me to say this; the Jews in Palestine actually cooperated with the Nazis.

They were prepared to sacrifice the weaker elements to gain that state, and I’m going to back that theory, that tragic evil theory, with all sorts of documents, mainly come out of… That particular lie comes out of Russia, but it’s infiltrated the extreme left. What I’m saying to you, everything is used: “Rich and poor, right and left, Christian and Muslim, Americans and Japanese. Jews always scheme. Jews are everywhere. Jews are behind every institution. The shadowy elders are behind everything.” And this is from Steve Zipperstein: “The rise of the liberalism,” the fact it was liberalism or the Enlightenment that emancipated the Jews, “have provided Jews with the tools to destroy institutions: the nobility of the church, the sanctity of marriage. Soon, they may take control of the world as a part of a revenge plot dating back to the ascendancy of Christendom,” the text ostensibly narrated by a Jewish leader. “Jewry’s triumph is imminent. The world will fall into the hands of a cunning elite who have schemed forever and are now fated to rule the world until the end of time.” In fact, we know where the fabrication came from. It was unmasked very early on. Even though it’s been unmasked, even though there have been many court cases, it hasn’t stopped the potency. It hasn’t stopped the… And I can’t say the ignorant, because many people who believe it are actually very clever. It hasn’t stopped people believing it. As I said, it’s been translated into 120 different languages. It’s widely available. It describes a narrative that gives you an answer to all the evils of the world. That’s the point about “The Protocols.” It talks about the elders of Zion, who meet, and according to one version, they meet in a graveyard in Prague, to talk about how well they’re taking over the world. So it doesn’t matter. Looking back into history, Marx was an elder of Zion.

Disraeli was an elder of Zion. George Soros is an elder of Zion. Of course the Rothschild family are elders of Zion. This is the time-tested scapegoat. This is Zipperstein again: “At a glittery moment when the world is cascading out of control, what is revealing is ‘The Protocols’ have shed its archaic feel. It seems modern, and what do ‘The Protocols’ actually say?” I’m not going to read “The Protocols” to you, because it’s meant to be the minutes of this secret meeting. There are lots of versions, and I’m going to talk about that too. “We induce alcoholism in the population. We destroy the privileges of Gentile aristocracy. Propagation of ideas that destroy the old order, Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzscheism, liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism, to undermine the established order.” So you see what they’re doing? They’re creating a cocktail: “Aim for world government. Start wars, false flags, staging catastrophes against one’s own people, then claiming the high moral ground, wanting universal suffrage, curtailment of civil liberties with the excuse of defeating the enemies of peace.” Whatever side you’re on, the Jew is everything you don’t want to be. “Create the illusions of freedom of the press.” This points to the fact that the two most important press barons in Germany, the Ullstein and the Mosse company, were Jewish, the fact that Robert Maxwell was of Jewish descent. The point is, of course… What on earth would a Disraeli and a Marx have in common? You cannot use logic to destroy “The Protocols.” We give the people distractions. We are in charge of the pornographic business. We’re giving them the bread and the circuses. We will destroy Christianity and Islam, all other religions and cultures. There will be a transition to atheism.

And then, eventually, the Judaism and the Jews will rule. We will brainwash them. We will induce economic depression. We will undermine the financial system. D'you remember Black Friday, the crash? Who was blamed by the ultra right? The Jews. Of course it’s totally illogical. Foreign loans, we will loan at huge interest. We create national bankruptcy. We will train the elect of Israel, and we will work with the Freemasons. Now, all scholars believe that they were the product of the dying embers of the Russian Empire, and according to Hadassa Ben-Itto in her brilliant book “The Lie That Wouldn’t Die,” they first appeared at the home of Grand Prince Sergei and his wife, Elisabeth, the sister of Alexandra, the last empress of Russia. Now, Grand Prince Sergei… Those of you who know your Russian history will know that, in 1891, when he was made governor of Moscow, as his present, Alexander III had all the Jews of Moscow expelled, 20,000 of them, 24 hours’ notice. He was violently anti-Semitic. He was an advisor to the last of the czars, Nicholas II, and his wife was the sister to Alexandra. His wife had helped appoint Yelena Ozerova to be a lady-in-waiting. Yelena’s uncle, Philip Stepanov, was a welcome guest, and he presented the prince a manuscript, entitled “Subjugation to the World of the Jews,” about a Judeo-Mosaic conspiracy. Sergei had it printed as “The Ancient and Modern Protocols.” The minister of finance, Witte, who was trying to stabilise Russia, was alarmed by the document.

He says it’s not authentic, and he believed it came from a reactionary force in the Okhrana. And in fact, it did. It came out of the brain of a man called Rachkovsky, who was the agent of the Okhrana in Paris at the time of the Dreyfus affair, huge, huge publicity, the Dreyfus affair, huge anti-Semitism. The document next appears in the newspaper of Pavel Krushevan in the town of Kishinev, but more about that later. What’s going to happen is it’s going to be brought into Germany. It’s going to be brought into Germany at the end of the First World War. Now, remember what happens, and this is terribly important. Revolution breaks out in Russia. The majority of the leadership of revolutionaries in Russia are Jews. It spreads to Hungary. It spreads to Germany. It spreads to Vienna. Practically every revolutionary leader of note, of course, was an internationalist, but a disproportionate number of the leadership were born Jewish. Of course they’d thrown away their Jewishness, but I want you to imagine the German high command did a deal with the Soviets. Revolution breaks out in Russia in March 1917, Kerensky’s liberal revolution. He was a patriot. He kept Russia in the war. The German high command realised that they had an enemy still to fight. They, then, through the intrigue, again, of another Jew, who took the name of Parvus… They smuggled Lenin and the Bolsheviks into Russia, and six months later, there’s a revolution. Think of the first line of “The Communist Manifesto”: “Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.” These revolutionaries want peace, and they also want international revolution.

Think of this image. It’s Trotsky, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and his aide, Joffe, signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans. When the German army retreated from Russia, members of the White Army; they are the enemies of the Bolsheviks; they are aristocrats, army officers, the Baltic Germans; they were allowed out of Russia with the German Army. And they went by train, and many of them landed in Munich, which is going to become the main city of the Nazi Party. And they brought “The Protocols” with them in their back pockets. Interesting, a lot of the British Army who were stationed in Russia because once the war is over the British also committed troops… So did the Americans, to destroy Bolshevism, and many of those British officers finished up in Palestine with “The Protocols” in their back pockets. And it’s these protocols, this plot, that is going to spread like a tentacle after the First World War. Never forget the words of the kaiser when he abdicated: “I’ve been defeated by the Jews, the communists, and the Freemasons.” And it’s this belief that communists were Jews. Jews were communists. Now, I can say until I’m absolutely purple in the face that no communist… A committed communist is an atheist, and in fact, it was Jewish commissars who broke down Jewish life in Russia. But I’m being logical, and you can’t be logical when you’re dealing with this kind of appalling rubbish. Anyway, the man who’s going to be very strong in spreading “The Protocols” in Germany is a man called Theodor Fritsch. Can we, please, see his picture? He’s going to write an infamous book called “In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague.”

Now, who was he? I’m going to give you some background so you get a notion of the kind of people who were attracted to these kind of horrific ideas. He was the son of a farmer. He was born in Saxony, which was a Prussian province. He attended a vocational school, and he learnt casting and machine building. He studied at a trade academy in Berlin. He graduated. He gained independence in 1879 through the founding of a technical bureau associated with a publishing firm. He then founded the Miller’s League. He believed very much in the small artisans, the small farmers against… He published a… His paper was “The German Miller.” He founded the Saxon Small Business Association. He becomes very wealthy, but he is a man of the little people. And I’ve already mentioned when we looked at Germany, and it could be the same in Vienna, the same in Paris, the same in Budapest, a disproportionate number of Jews at the forefront of modernity. These people are antimodernity. They want to go back to the rural idyll. He created an early discussion forum, “Antisemitic Correspondence,” in 1885, and he brought together, quote, unquote, “Jew haters from various political persuasions.” In 1887, he actually sent an edition to Nietzsche, and Nietzsche replied, “To cast a glance at the model of the principles that lie at the heart of this strange movement, I don’t want any more. I might lose my patience.” Nietzsche was never an anti-Semite. In 1897, he wrote “City of the Future,” which is a paternalistic project for the and a blueprint for German garden cities because the don’t need democracy. They have to be looked after. He created a publishing house and published something called “The Hammer.” And it’s all about what Germany should have, and it’s going to be important right up until 1940.

He is the one who is going to issue the German translations of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” He actually was in the Reichstag. He believed totally in the superiority of the Aryans. He wants to go back to traditional peasant values. He hated industrialization. He loathed urbanisation, everything that he saw as Jewish. He wrote in 1893 “A Handbook on the Jewish Question.” He called on Aryans not to mix their blood with the Jews. It was read by millions. The 49th edition was published in 1944. He becomes one of Hitler’s inspirations. He also published something called “The Riddle of the Jewish Success.” He died in 1933, shortly after the Nazis’ victory. But let’s talk about where “The Protocols” really come from. Can we see the first slide, please? And this Hermann Goedsche, who took the pseudonym Sir John Retcliffe… Can we go… Let’s stay with him. It’s been proven now by… When the first characters to discover the forgery… They looked back, and they found the forgeries in two works, one by Hermann Goedsche and the other by Maurice Joly, and I’m going to talk about both of them. Hermann Goedsche was a journalist. He was also an agent of the Prussian Secret Police. He worked in the postal service. He was violent anti-Semite. He was a very populist author. His book “Biarritz” had a chapter called “In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague.” This is where this idea comes from. It’s the secret nocturnal meetings of 13 Jews, which represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the Jews in exile, and they report on their plans to take over the world.

It first appears in pamphlet form in Russia in 1872, and that’s how it finally arrives with Grand Duke Sergei and then in Paris and then in Prague. The chapter is constantly used as proof of “The Protocols.” Now, Rachkovsky was probably the man who brought it to head of the secret service. I’m just going to give you a little example of the rabbi’s speech from Hermann Goedsche, “In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague.” Now, let’s be logical. 13 Jews meet in the cemetery in Prague to plot the destruction of the world. Think Prague. Hitler wanted that city, if you like, to show the remains of a dead race, the Jews. He was influenced by all of this, and this is how it begins, this chapter: “Our fathers have bequeathed to the elect of Israel the duty of gathering around the tomb of the grand master Caleb, the holy rabbi Simeon ben Jehudah, whose knowledge gives the elect of each generation power over all the Earth and authority over the descendants of Israel. For 18 centuries, Israel has been at war with the powers which was first promised to Abraham, which was taken from him by the cross. Trampled underfoot, humiliated by its enemies, living ceaselessly under the threat of death and persecution and rape and every kind of violation, the people of Israel have not succumbed, and if it is dispersed over the whole Earth, then it is because it is to inherit the whole Earth. For 18 centuries, we have been fighting the cross. Gradually, our people is rising. The day will come we shall make ourselves the sole possessors of all the gold in the world. The real power will be ours. 18 centuries belong to our enemies. The present century and future must belong to us.” Let us now look at the material condition of Europe. They’re talking about how they control the capital in all of the big cities: “In every country, agriculture’ll be the greatest source of wealth.

From this, it follows we must concentrate on ensuring that our brothers in Israel acquired landed property. Under the pretext of helping the working classes, we must place the weight of taxation on the great landed proprietors. Since the Christian Church is one of our most dangerous enemies”; I’m obviously scanning this; “we must work doggedly to diminish its influence. Trade and speculation, two branches and in profits, must never leave Jewish hands. Each war, each revolution, each political or religious upheaval brings us nearer to the moment. The people of Israel must direct its ambition to the heights of power. We must encourage marriages between Jews and Christians.” They even get us that way, intermarriage. “For the people of Israel loses nothing by the contact, can only gain from these marriages. Our race, chosen by God, cannot be corrupted by the introduction of a certain amount of impure blood, and by these marriages, our daughters will secure allegiances with Christian families of influence and power. To be related to a Gentile does not imply a departure from the path.” If gold is the first power, the second is the press and talk about how you take over the press, et cetera, et cetera. “So far as is possible, we must talk to the proletariat, bringing it in subjugation to those who have had the handling of money,” et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

So this is the chapter on the Jewish cemetery in Prague. “The Protocols” are, in part, based on this appalling chapter, and it’s also based on a man called Maurice Joly. Can we see him next, please? Now, Maurice Joly was a French satirist. “The Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu,” it had absolutely nothing to do with the Jews. He was actually a French political writer. He was a satirist. He was a lawyer, and what he does is he attacks the reign of Napoleon III of France as corrupt. In this book… He wrote it in 1964. It appears to… It sets out various debates, nothing to do with the Jews, and what “The Protocols” does is to borrow partly from Goedsche and partly from Maurice Joly, so that’s where it really comes from. Now, let’s talk a little bit about those who disseminate it. Let’s turn now to Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky. Next slide, please, Emily. As I said, he’s the chief of the Okhrana. He’s based in Paris, 1885 to 1902, at the time of the Dreyfus affair, and his agents are the first to send it into Russia. By 1905, he is head of the Okhrana, and of course, the text he presents, it’s the problem of an impending revolution in Russia as part of a global Jewish conspiracy, thus defecting from the real problems of Russia. The 1905 revolution, in fact, it was because of the starvation of the people, but the point is Rachkovsky… In this pamphlet, it’s really the fault of the Jews who are causing revolution, and one of his agents was a man called Yuliana Glinka, who was a Russian occultist and Theosophist. In fact, he worked for Alexander II. He was a violent anti-Semite, Alexander III, and a conspiracy theorist. The point is it’s in court circles. Can we go on, please?

Now let’s go to Pavel Krushevan. Lenin referred to reactionaries as Krushevans. Yiddish songs cite him as a murderous oppressor of the Jews. Steve Zipperstein, in his brilliant book on the Kishinev pogrom, he describes how they are released in nine consecutive instalments in late August and early September 1903 in a Saint Petersburg newspaper, and there’s a huge link between that and the Kishinev pogrom of 1903. The point is he feeds them. He came from an impoverished noble background. He was a violent anti-Semite. He also worked for the Okhrana. He also published accusations of ritual murder. He owned a newspaper, the “Bessarabets,” in Kishinev, the capital of Bessarabia, and Easter time, of course… So you’ve had the publication of “The Protocols.” And then, you have the publication of the blood libel, a disappearance of a Christian child, blood used by the Jews for matzo, so it’s bringing this news kind of evil back to the old church kind of evil, the notion of the blood libel that, as you all know, first came out of England in 1144, at a time of the English Civil War. Now, in Krushevan’s version, they lay down their plans to take over the world, and they all swear an oath to the golden calf that emerges from the rabbi’s grave in the cemetery in Prague. So he goes further. After each representative has spoken, Satan, in a ball of fire, speaks to them from the grave; however, newspapers are perishable. It was necessary to write a book, and the book actually comes from Sergei Nilus, who was the husband of Yelena Ozerova, who I’ve already mentioned, who later became the lady-in-waiting to the empress Alexandra, the wife of Nicholas II, who was murdered with her family at Ekaterinburg. When she was taken away to be shot, by her bedside was a copy of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Who was Sergei Nilus? Can we go on, please? He was of Swedish descent. He was a minor aristocrat. He studied at Moscow University. He had a mental collapse. He went to Paris, where he emerges as a religious fanatic. He’s obsessed with mysticism and the coming of the Antichrist. Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Saint Petersburg, this ennui amongst the aristocracy and the upper middle classes, which Freud, of course, was going to deal with in his studies of hysteria. Now, mysticism, occultism, theosophy, these are the circles where “The Protocols” spread. He first published his version of “The Protocols”… It’s called “The Great within the Small,” and it coincide with the 1905 revolution. Remember Krushevan, and also, remember Rachkovsky. It’s the perfect scapegoat. Even though the reaction… There were certain people in the government, even the reactionary Stolypin who was chairman of the Council of Ministers… He said they were a fraud. Even the conservative Russian government… The czar believed them, but a lot of these Russian ministers didn’t believe it, but nevertheless, it spreads and spreads and spreads. Now, after the 1917 revolution, that’s when the book sells millions and millions and millions. Under the Soviets, you’ll be pleased to know that Nilus was arrested three times. He finally dies of a heart attack in 1929, and under the Soviet rule, possession of his book was an imprisonable crime. Now it sells in most Russian Orthodox bookshops. Let’s go on, please, and let’s see the next individual, Pyotr Shabelsky-Bork. Know that in the Russian Civil War between the Reds and the Whites, this is when so much of the corpus of anti-Semitic legends grow up, idea, for example, that the Bolsheviks had received millions of dollars from Jacob Schiff; why?

If you’ll remember, in 1905, he had tried to persuade the American government to exert itself to help the Jews in the ensuing pogroms. And also, he had lent money to the Japanese, so rich Jews throughout the world are supporting the Russian Revolution. Now, as I’ve already told you, much of it is going to come out of Russia in these trains going back into Europe, and “The Protocols” begin their world journey through two fanatics: Pyotr Nikolayevich Shabelsky-Bork and a man called Viktorovich Vinberg. I couldn’t get a picture of him. He was born in the Caucasus. His father was a rich landowner. His mother was a leading member of the Union of Russian People, the editor of the Black Hundreds periodical, and author of an anti-Semitic tract “The Satanists of the Twentieth Century.” The Black Hundreds were an anti-Semitic group that really led the pogroms, those terrible pogroms, 1881 to 1914. The pogromists came into the pale, causing all sorts of horror for the Jewish community. Alexander, no, Nicholas II, was one of their patrons. He joined the union at a very early age. He served as an officer in the czarist army, and in September 1918, he claimed to inquire into the murder of the imperial family. And he discovered that Alexander had a copy of Nilus. His friend Vinberg was born in Kiev. He was the son of a general. In 1918, he was arrested by the Soviets. He escaped to the Ukraine and joined the pogromists in Kiev. He hero-worshiped the czarina, so you have these two individuals from aristocratic military backgrounds, very, very right-wing, very, very anti-Semitic. And of course, there were terrible pogroms all over the Ukraine. Nearly 100,000 Jews were murdered in these pogroms in the civil war between the Whites, the Red Army, and also the anarchists, and Petlyura, one of the great heroes of the Ukraine, he was one of the major pogromists.

And when the Germans evacuated the Ukraine after November 1918… So they arrived in Germany in the midst of a revolution. Once there, they contact a man called Ludwig Mueller, the pen name of a man called Gottfried zur Beek, who was a retired army captain and editor of an anti-Semitic monthly, “On Outpost Duty.” They gave him a copy of Nilus, and in May ‘20, they gave him the full text. Now, this is what Shabelsky-Bork wrote: “Germany is relatively free of the democratic malady. 'The Protocols’ circulate freely, and the workers are revising their socialist programmes. Lectures on Jewish domination are being given everywhere. It is Germany’s enemies, England and France, that constitute the stronghold of the elders.” He goes on to say, “Already, in the 18th century, England, at the behest of the elders, paid such men as”; wait for it; “Rousseau, Voltaire, and the encyclopedists to undermine France. More recently, they paid Tolstoy and Gorky to undermine Russia. The French Revolution was planned and paid for by the elders. So was the Russian and German Revolutions.” He blames the elders for every war and every catastrophe. He was taken very seriously by right-wing extremists, who realised they could have great appeal in defeated Germany, and in August 1918, Prince Otto zu Salm-Horstmar, who became a sponsor of “The Protocols,” explained to them that Germany was losing the war because of the Jews: “It’s part of the Jewish plan for world domination.” And it’s in 1919, coming back to Theodor Fritsch, that he printed a prophecy made by a Jewish revolutionary in Paris in 1895: “In 30 years, Germany will be involved in a great war, which it will lose. Then on the ruins of the German Empire, we shall rebuild our empire as Jehovah promised, with a second Solomon as king.”

Now, later on… I was talking about Walther Rathenau the other day. When Walther Rathenau was assassinated… Remember he was assassinated as an elder of Zion. Can we go on, please? This is the Black Hundreds, the terrible Black Hundreds. Can we go on, please? Here you see Ernst Graf zu Reventlow. He was a count, a German aristocrat. He’s a professional politician, and he’s a leading member of the bloc, who later were going to join the Nazis. And he propagated “The Protocols” in his own newspaper, which was called “Guardian of the Reich,” and he said, “It reveals a plot to destroy Christianity. The great struggle has begun. This book will bring salvation to our people.” Sales escalate. By 1933, zur Beek’s translation had sold something like four million copies. Can we go on, please? Here you see good old Henry Ford. He paid for 500,000 copies of “The Protocols” to be disseminated in America. Can we go on, please? Now, Adolf Hitler is going to swallow this completely whole, and I’m going to talk about him, obviously, in much more detail in the next couple of weeks. Can we go on, please? And that, of course, is “Mein Kampf,” where he talks about “The Protocols” as though they are a real document. And I will be quoting, but I wanted to give you the origins today, and I don’t want to hurry, because it’s such an important subject. Can we go on, please? You need to see this whole pattern. Can we go on, please? Here you see Alfred Rosenberg, who came from Tallinn, who had an Estonian mother and Lithuanian father. Baltic German, father a merchant, mother a French teacher, he graduated in Tallinn and went on to study in Riga, and he gave his first speech on Jewish Marxism at the House of the Blackheads in Riga after the outbreak of Estonia’s War of Independence. He also retreated with the German Army.

He fled to Paris and then Munich. He was very active in White Russian circles. He was a member of the Thule Society, who were responsible for the assassination of Walther Rathenau. They were an esoteric, strange sect. I’ll talk more about that when we talk about the German Workers’ Party, which becomes the Nazi Party. He is a fanatical nationalist. He became, later, editor of the “Voelkischer Beobachter.” He wrote “The Track of the Jews Through the Ages,” “The Immorality in the Talmud,” “The Crime of Freemasons.” And one of the main disseminators of “The Protocols,” he was active in the putsch. He believed himself to be the guardian of racism, and he was the leading theoretician of Nazi racism. In 1929, he founded the Fighting League for German Culture, quote, “combating degenerative art.” He was later president of the Reich Centre for the Advancement of Literature, and when Hitler was in prison, after the putsch, which I’m going to talk about more, he was appointed leader. In 1929, he formed the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question. Reichstag, 1930, he becomes a member of parliament. He writes “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” which was based on Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s “Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,” sold ¾ of a million copies by 1938. In 1933, he paid an official visit to Britain. He laid a swastika at the Cenotaph. A Labour Party activist threw it in the Thames and was fined 40 shillings. He believed in blood purity, the soul of race. Everything that mattered was about blood and soil. No Jew could ever be a German. All Jews are the enemy, and I’ll be talking about him later on.

He had a great rival in Himmler, who, later on, takes over from him. Basically, though, he is going to be executed at Nuremberg. Other people who were very involved in the dissemination of the protocols, I’m just going to show you their faces, and we will go on… We will talk about the later on in the series. Julius Streicher, the monster Julius Streicher, the editor of “Der Stuermer,” when he was executed at Nuremberg, on the gallows, he screamed, “Purimfest.” And the last one, please. There you have him, Joseph Goebbels, the genius of the 20th century as far as propaganda was concerned, and Professor Peema is going to give a lecture just on Goebbels. Now, let’s talk about the logic of it all. Can we turn onto the last slide rather than look at Goebbels’ face? This, of course, is “The Eternal Jew,” which came from an exhibition that was put out in Nazi Germany. Let’s go to the title page now, rather than look at that picture, because I want to talk about their exposure as a forgery. In 1920… I’m talking about how it reached England. It’s first published by Eyre & Spottiswoode, who actually were the publishers of the authorised version of the Bible and the prayer book and carried the title His and Her Majesties’ printers. They published it as “The Jewish Peril.” It was reviewed on the 8th of May 1920 in “The London Times”: “What’re these protocols? Are they authentic? If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans and gloated over their exposition? Are they a forgery?

Have we been struggling these tragic years to blow up and extirpate the secret organisation of German world denomination only to find it in another, more dangerous because more secret? Have we, by straining every fibre of our being of our national body, escaped a Pax Germanica only to fall into a Pax Judaica? The elders of Zion, as represented in their protocols, are by no means kinder taskmasters than Wilhelm II and his henchmen.” “The Spectator,” it devoted a long review. It said, “We shall be justified in moving with great caution.” This is from October the 16th, 1920: “We shall be justified in moving with great caution in our admission of Jews to the fullest rank of citizenship. We must drag the conspirators into the open, tear off their ugly masks, and show the world how ridiculous, as well as how evil and dangerous, are such pests on society.” Now, we now know that the English translation was credited to the British correspondent of “The Morning Post” in Russia, a man called Victor Marsden. He was violently anti-communist. He’d been imprisoned in the Peter and Paul prison for three months, and by 1920, five editions had been sold out in England as I told you. Henry Ford had bought 500,000 copies. “Blackwood,” a very important magazine, said, if our country was to be saved from Bolshevism, Jews must be excluded from all influence. Lord Alfred Douglas, who was the boyfriend of Oscar Wilde, he printed “The Protocols” in his paper “Plain English.” “The Britain,” another right-wing paper; I mean fascist paper; blamed the Jews for the miner’s strike, and even Winston Churchill wrote an article for the “Illustrated Sunday Herald” where he said, “We must turn Jews into Zionist to stop them becoming communist.”

He had read “The Protocols.” It was in 1920 and 1921 it was exposed as a forgery by two English, well, two Brits. One was an English journalist, Jewish journalist, Lucien Wolf, and the other was Philip Graves, who was the older half brother of Robert Graves, who, of course, wrote the brilliant “I, Claudius.” He manages to prove it is a forgery. Now, who was Philip Graves? He came from prominent Anglo-Irish family. He was Oxford educated. He’d been the correspondent of “The London Times” in Turkey, 1908 to 1914. In World War I, he’d served in the British Army in the Middle East. He was a captain in army intelligence, and he’d worked with T. E. Lawrence. He was one of the good guys. He was given the information about the forgery in Turkey by an impecunious Russian immigre and an anti-Semite, who sold him the information and where it really came from. From Goedsche, remember, and from Joly. And Lucien Wolf, who also worked tirelessly on debunking the myth, he also traced it back to Joly and to Goedsche, and Lucien Wolf was a very interesting character. He was a journalist. He was the foreign editor of “The Daily Graphic.”

He took the name of Diplomaticus. He had a huge enthusiasm for Jewish history. In 1897, the “Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition”… He was founder and president of the Historical Society of England. Like so many Jews, he was fascinated by the English aristocracy. He was very anti-Zionist, and he founded the Anti-Zionist League with Lord Rothschild, Philip Magnus, and Baron Montagu, Baron Swaythling. He was the secretary of the Anglo-Jewish Association and, basically, another interesting man, but he was a robust defender of Jewish interests. And what happens is that when “The Times” discovers that is a forgery, they publish, in three editions, the main pages, that it’s a forgery and is taken up. In fact, Ernst Graf zu Reventlow accused Ahad Ha'am, a gentle cultural Zionist, of being one of the elders of Zion, and agents of his brought a court case. And zu Reventlow had to pay him damages. It didn’t reach court. Even though it’s debunked, debunked, debunked and there’ve been many different court cases, nevertheless, “The Protocols” goes on. But it must be remembered, “The Times” and other newspapers and “The New York Times,” they all said it was a forgery, and they made a big business of saying it was a forgery. We will stop there I think, and let’s have a look at questions.

Q&A and Comments:

It’s a tough one to take and a tough one to give.

Q: “Did you not report the incident in Cornwall to CST?”

A: No, no point, frankly. I can well deal with the situation myself, ha.

Jo: “How wonderful, she should concentrate on Jewish education, not museums on the Holocaust.” I’m afraid, having been involved in Holocaust education for 40 years, that is what I really do believe, but we’ve got to get it into the syllabus.

Yes, Barry, it was available in South Africa. When I was a student in Rhodesia, I hitched a ride from Rhodesia to Cape Town. I went through a tiny town in Orange Free State. I went into a little corner store, and they had it for sale. Don’t forget the Silver Shirts in the ‘30s in South Africa, and of course, “The Protocols”… There was a court case in South Africa.

Yes, Congress accuses Soros of funding conspiracies against Trump. Oh, it’s so tragic. George Soros was a pupil of Karl Popper, who advocated the open society, and Soros created these free universities in Eastern Europe, extraordinary man.

Q: Look, Daniel: “Does knowledge and education alone suffice to counter anti-Semitism/ anti-Zionism? Isn’t there an emotional basis and need?”

A: Yes, yes, I so agree with you, but education’s all we’ve got. What else can we do? We can’t fight them all. What else can we do? It’s a start. Of course it’s not appealing to logic. It’s appealing to the other side of us.

Q: “How to explain 'The Protocols’ being a bestseller in Japan, where there are virtually no Jews.”

A: The Japanese are fascinating about the Jews. In the war, they never deported them from the Shanghai ghetto. They had a plan about the Jews. They called it the Fugu Plan, and fugu is a puffer fish. And if you eat it in the wrong place, it kills you, but it’s the greatest delicacy you can ever eat. When Rothschilds opened a branch in Tokyo, a small branch, there were seven partners and 200 journalists.

Q: “Who d'you what to teach Jewish history to? Jews? Or non-Jews?”

A: Both, actually. We used to teach modern Jewish history as an AO level in England. It worked beautifully, a sixth form option. I know most Jewish schools don’t teach Jewish history, and to me, I think that is appalling. I’m going to use the word appalling ‘cause it is.

Oh, this is from Fredda. Hell, Fredda, I’ve missed you. “I bought my copy of 'Elders’ in Regent’s Park Mosque. On that occasion, I heard a lecture about Jewish conspiracy in horrible English, who don’t know… Sell the book in a brown paper and asked not to tell I am Polish, and I hate .” Oh, you’re wonderful, Fredda. Yeah, I know.

Q: “Why do these anti-Semites accuse us of promoting Freemasons?”

A: Why do these anti-Semites accuse us of ruling the world? Why do they accuse us of being communists and capitalists or we run Hollywood? And what else do we do? A Jew is everything you don’t want to be. It’s conspiracy theory. It’s not logic, Shelly.

This is Sandy: “I read ‘The Protocols’ illicitly when I was a page in the Toronto Reference Library. It was on the file , so you had to sign away your first and only in the library. That was in the ‘60s. I thought it was the stupidest thing I ever read and so obviously phoney .” Yes, but you’re being logical, Sandy. Look, some of the people I’ve talked about, like Rosenberg, they were clever. Unfortunately, look, intelligence… Huge academic qualifications is no bar to being appallingly racist and evil. “

'Judgement : Grey Shirt’”; this is from Saul, thank you; “

‘Libel Action in Grahamstown: Reverend A. Levy versus Johannes Von Strauss,’ yes, thank you. I believe this is the only time under British legal system they’ve been found to be a forgery.” Yes, I’m not sure. I’m not sure about that. I know there was a court case in Switzerland. Now, Judge Dennis Davis is the expert on that, so I will talk to him. D'you know, I don’t know who cashes on the copyright. I think the copyright’s out of print.

Q: “How did they prove the protocols were a forgery?”

A: By actually going back to Joly and Goedsche. It’s chunk for chunk out of these two publications.

Q: “Are the 13 participants named?”

A: They’re just the 12 tribes of Israel and the tribe of the diaspora.

Q: What did I tell the baker?

A: You got 10 minutes? I can lose my temper quite easily, I’m afraid, when…

“My father’s cousin was the famous Rabbi Levy. He was ”… Wow, I just love lockdown.

Q: “Can one not fight the protocols by lampooning them in all the languages they appear?”

A: Look, we are wonderful at satire. We are wonderful at comedy. Think American Jewish humour. I dunno. I don’t know. It depends. Look, I believe they go into abeyance when society is relatively secure. They come to the fore when there are periods of great instability, okay?

“I was told Rupert Murdoch is Jewish.” I don’t believe he is, you know. Of course he’s Jewish. He’s a press baron. No, of course he’s not Jewish. You see, an elder of Zion can be someone you don’t like.

Q: “What is your belief as to the ready acceptance of ‘The Protocols’”?

A: I think it’s based on… Look, I think, if you like, the image of the Jew in Christian theology was the first plank, but it’s a plausibility theory. You see, Jews do have visible prominence. Look, 24% of all Nobel Prize-winners are Jewish. Look, what makes us run? What makes us restless? What makes us need to succeed as much as we can? Because it’s our only security, and that does make problems in itself. The reality is, the majority of Jews, we’re like everybody else. We’re ordinary folk, but you’ve always had this little group who do push the world forward. Some people love it. Other people hate it, but it makes us prominent.

Yes, of course envy’s a very important part of anti-Semitism, Betty, yes, of course, envy. We’re all rich, aren’t we? Course we’re not, but the belief of the association of the Jews with money. Anyway, I think that answers all the questions, so we’re going to stop there. It’s been hard to give and hard to take, I’m sure, but I do believe that we do have to know these facts. I’d very much like to see Jewish history taught properly in schools.

Oh, this is from Serena: “I dislike sarcasm as a response to anti-Semitism. When we type, ‘Yes, of course we run the world,’ they answer we do.” You know Lenny Bruce once wrote on a wall, “Yes, I admit it. I killed him.” Was that funny? Or was it not? I dunno anymore. I dunno. Mel Brooks, in an interview, he said, “I’m going to tell the story of what your people did to my people through history.” What can I tell ya?

Anyway, go well, and I will see you tomorrow, I think.