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Trudy Gold
Budapest, the Jews, and Horthy

Thursday 3.03.2022


Trudy Gold discusses Admiral Miklós Horthy’s (1868–1957) impact on Jews living in Budapest as well as the impact of the creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Trudy Gold

An image of Trudy Gold

Trudy Gold was the CEO of the London Jewish Cultural Centre and a founding member of the British delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Throughout her career she taught modern Jewish history at schools, universities, and to adult groups and ran seminars on Holocaust education in the UK, Eastern Europe, and China. She also led Jewish educational tours all over the world. Trudy was the educational director of the student resources “Understanding the Holocaust” and “Holocaust Explained” and the author of The Timechart History of Jewish Civilization.

Because what happened, look, you have a global-linked economy. In 1924, the League of Nations had given Hungary an awful lot of money, but there was no one to, they were exporting. There was no one to pay for exports. There were no jobs. That’s one of the problems.

No, by this time they’ve made their decision, really. It was just what stopped them was Hitler doing a deal with Stalin.

Martin, that is a real cri de coeur. They didn’t have the power to do so. The first real call for Zionism, for a Jewish state is in May 1942 at the Biltmore Hotel when there’s incontrovertible evidence. Look, this whole notion of influence and power, we should really have a debate on it.