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Jeremy Rosen
Study the Bible: Exodus Continued

Wednesday 27.09.2023


Study the text of the Bible weekly with Jeremy Rosen through a combination of traditional, critical, and personal perspectives. No knowledge of Hebrew or the Bible is necessary.

The class will begin where it left off last year, in the book of Exodus. You may use any Bible text you may have. Or you can go to and click on Search/Tanakh/Exodus 21/Mishpatim

Jeremy Rosen

An image of Jeremy Rosen

Manchester-born Jeremy Rosen was educated at Cambridge University England and Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He has practiced as an orthodox rabbi, as principal of Carmel College in the UK, and as professor at the Faculty for Comparative Religion in Antwerp, Belgium. He has written and lectured extensively in the UK and the US, where he now resides and was the rabbi of the Persian-Jewish community in Manhattan.

Well, how do any of us know how things are interpreted? When we look at any old text, any book where there are different interpretations of what the author meant? Any painting when we don’t know what the artist intended? That you can only look at something through your eyes and your perspective. And that’s why there’s been this constant innovation in Judaism of new interpretations, time and time again in each generation looking at things in the light of their own experience.