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Philip Rubenstein
Go West Young Man, Part 2: The Mormon Trail

Thursday 14.12.2023


Mormons were persecuted and hounded out of every community they settled in. They moved out west, enduring the harshest of conditions, driven by dreams of a promised land and marshalled by an extraordinary leader. If the only things you knew about the Mormons were bizarre practices, Utah, Mitt Romney and a hit musical, prepare to be enlightened.

Philip Rubenstein

an image of Philip Rubenstein

Philip Rubenstein was director of the Parliamentary War Crimes Group, which, in the mid-to-late 1980s, campaigned to bring Nazi war criminals living in the UK to justice. Philip was also the founder-director of the Holocaust Educational Trust and played a role in getting the study of the Shoah onto the national school’s curriculum in the UK. These days, he works with family businesses, advising on governance and continuity from one generation to the next.

That means someone who sold potions to the gullible. Oh, I mean very much so. He absolutely was. And some of his followers were at the time as well. And you had to be, and it was a time when people believed in faith healing. And in fact, if you didn’t sell potions, you weren’t going to do very well in the religious revivalist market.

There were a lot of very respectable, upright New England women who did buy the whole thing and they were very grateful to be part of it. And you know, I think it’s just one of those things that often the victims don’t see themselves as victims.