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Trudy Gold
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Thursday 7.07.2022


The lecture delves into the persistent threat of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an infamous anti-Semitic forgery. Highlights include the work of historians and books examining its impact and widespread dissemination, emphasizing its adaptability to different political climates and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. The discussion traces the origins of The Protocols to novels by Hermann Goedsche and Maurice Joly, repurposed to serve anti-Semitic agendas, with figures like Pyotr Rachkovsky and the Okhrana implicated in its spread. Despite being debunked, the forgery continues to fuel anti-Semitic sentiments globally.

Trudy Gold

An image of Trudy Gold

Trudy Gold was the CEO of the London Jewish Cultural Centre and a founding member of the British delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). Throughout her career she taught modern Jewish history at schools, universities, and to adult groups and ran seminars on Holocaust education in the UK, Eastern Europe, and China. She also led Jewish educational tours all over the world. Trudy was the educational director of the student resources “Understanding the Holocaust” and “Holocaust Explained” and the author of The Timechart History of Jewish Civilization.

Many, many, many times. There’ve been court cases. Was it Goebbels who said, “If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it and the bigger the lie the more they’re likely to believe it?”

Along with Lucien Wolf, they did their homework. You see, it was so easy. You go back to these books and they’re transplanted from it.

Well, it wouldn’t work because they don’t have real power in Japan. The point is that the Jews are everywhere. Because the Jews are international, it can work wherever you are.