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David Herman
Jewish American Writers in the ‘60s

Thursday 15.02.2024


The 1960s saw an explosion of exciting new Jewish American novels, stories and plays by writers like Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, Arthur Miller, Joseph Heller and Norman Mailer. Jewish writers had broken through into the mainstream along with Jewish film actors and comedians like Woody Allen and Mort Sahl. It was an extraordinary moment in Jewish American culture, unlike anything that had come before.

David Herman

an image of David Herman

David Herman is a freelance writer based in London. Over the past 20 years he has written almost a thousand articles, essays, and reviews on Jewish history and literature for publications including the Jewish Chronicle, the Jewish Quarterly, Jewish Renaissance, the Guardian, the New Statesman, and Prospect. He has taught courses on Jewish culture for the London Jewish Cultural Centre and JW3. He is a regular contributor to Jewish Book Week, the Association of Jewish Refugees, and the Insiders/Outsiders Festival on the contribution of Jewish refugees to British culture.