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Daniel Snowman
Conflicting Dreams: Jew and Arab Through History

Thursday 4.04.2024


In this lecture, Daniel Snowman explores the mutual dreams and images of Jews and Arabs since ancient times. He suggests that what has been regarded as ‘history’ is, in fact, a reassuring simplification of the true and complex past. Snowman asks, what defines an ‘Arab’ or a ‘Jew’ today and how has it evolved?

Daniel Snowman

an image of Daniel Snowman

Daniel Snowman is a social and cultural historian. Born in London to a Jewish family in 1938 and educated at Cambridge and Cornell, Daniel became a lecturer at the University of Sussex and went on to work for many years at the BBC as senior producer of radio features and documentaries. A senior research fellow at the Institute of Historical Research (University of London), his many books include a social history of opera and a study of the cultural impact of the ‘Hitler Emigrés’ and, most recently, his memoir “Just Passing Through: Interactions with the World 1938-2021”.