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Marc Dollinger
Jews and ‘Whiteness’

Thursday 11.04.2024


This lecture delves into the question, are American Jews white? The answer varies across different generations of Jews and lies at the heart of their Jewish identity. Marc Dollinger explores whether American Jews have maintained their distinctiveness or assimilated to the extent of becoming white. Through an examination of the contentious history and sociology of Jews in the United States, Dollinger provides insights into their evolving racial definition and shares some surprising insights into the ongoing debate over Jewish ‘whiteness’.

Marc Dollinger

an image of Marc Dollinger

Prof. Marc Dollinger is the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Chair in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility in the Department of Jewish Studies at San Francisco State University. He has authored many articles and four books, including Quest for Inclusion: Jews and Liberalism in Modern America, California Jews and American Jewish History: A Primary Source Reader, and Black Power, Jewish Politics: Reinventing the Alliance in the 1960s. He is currently writing his fifth book, Power and Privilege: Jews, The Identity Project and the Modern University.