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Sean O'Toole
South African History Through the Photobook

Wednesday 8.05.2024

Sean O'Toole

an image of Sean O'Toole

Sean O’Toole is writer, editor, and curator based in Cape Town. His books include the biography Irma Stern: African in Europe - European in Africa (2021) and short story collection The Marquis of Mooikloof and Other Stories (2006). He has edited three volumes of essays, including African Futures (2016) and The Journey (2020). A working journalist principally focused on art, photography, and architecture, he has published well over a thousand news articles, reviews, features, and commentary in print and online. He has adjudicated numerous awards, including the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant, Daimler Award for South African Photography, and Frieze Writer’s Prize. He is the founder of independent publisher Extemporary Press.