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William Tyler
The Decline of the Ottoman Empire to 1914

Wednesday 29.05.2024


The decline of the Ottoman Empire began with the defeat of the Ottoman armies at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Following this defeat, the West assumed their empire would not last throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet it did, but not without losing much of its European territory. By the start of the 20th century, it seemed as though the slightest wind would blow it all away. That wind came in 1914 in the form of WWI.

William Tyler

An image of William Tyler

William Tyler has spent his entire professional life in adult education, beginning at Kingsgate College in 1969. He has lectured widely for many public bodies, including the University of Cambridge and the WEA, in addition to speaking to many clubs and societies. In 2009, William was awarded the MBE for services to adult education, and he has previously been a scholar in residence at the London Jewish Cultural Centre.