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Robert Fox
A World Upside Down: Order and Disorder in a Changed Future

Monday 27.05.2024


Robert Fox looks at evolving policies from China and Russia, which he posits are trying to undermine the world order set up by the United States and its allies following WWII in favour of their own alliances and projects including BRICS, the Shangri-la Dialogue, the Astana talks and the Belt and Road Initiative. Fox explores how Western should allies respond and if world forums like NATO and G7 should reset their priorities.

Robert furthermore examines the UK’s regulation of domestic services and agencies, looking at 3 specific cases: the post office, the NHS and elder care in a post-Covid world.

Robert Fox

An image of Robert Fox

Robert Fox has been a professional reporter, commentator, author, and broadcaster for over 40 years. He has reported from the front in the Falklands conflict of 1982, the Middle East, including Iraq and the Palestinian territories, as well Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. After leaving Oxford with an honors degree in history in 1967, he has worked as a staff reporter and correspondent for the BBC and the Daily Telegraph. He is currently defense correspondent for the Evening Standard and broadcasts frequently for the BBC, Sky, and Radio 24 in Italy. Among his books are Eyewitness Falklands (1982), Antarctica and the South Atlantic (1985), and Camera in Conflict (1995). Robert lectures frequently to the British Army and the diplomatic community in London. He is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chatham House.