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Philip Rubenstein
Over Our Bodies and Our Limbs: A Guide to Israel’s Settler Movement

Tuesday 23.07.2024


In 1974, Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook—regarded as the spiritual father of Israel’s religious settler movement—warned that any move to yield the West Bank or the Golan would be done “over our bodies and our limbs.” At the time, the settler population in the West Bank numbered a mere 2,000 souls, whereas today, the figure is closer to 500,000. This lecture looks at how we got from there to here, and what our path looks like going forward.

Philip Rubenstein

an image of Philip Rubenstein

Philip Rubenstein was director of the Parliamentary War Crimes Group, which, in the mid-to-late 1980s, campaigned to bring Nazi war criminals living in the UK to justice. Philip was also the founder-director of the Holocaust Educational Trust and played a role in getting the study of the Shoah onto the national school’s curriculum in the UK. These days, he works with family businesses, advising on governance and continuity from one generation to the next.