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William Tyler
The Medici: A Renaissance Family

Monday 4.10.2021


The Medici family and the Renaissance go hand in hand, as they were the great patrons of the Italian Renaissance. William Tyler gives an overview of the many members of the family and their various achievements and contributions to their time.

William Tyler

An image of William Tyler

William Tyler has spent his entire professional life in adult education, beginning at Kingsgate College in 1969. He has lectured widely for many public bodies, including the University of Cambridge and the WEA, in addition to speaking to many clubs and societies. In 2009, William was awarded the MBE for services to adult education, and he has previously been a scholar in residence at the London Jewish Cultural Centre.

Well, probably the answer is no, because that was probably a European view and a view today would be that there are art treasures in Africa, in China, in Japan. But if you were talking about Europe, I don’t know, that’s probably, and you would have, you would have to define art treasures. But, but that’s being pedantic. Of course, Italy has an enormous amount of art treasures, but I, but two-thirds of the world’s art, I, I think we’d be in trouble with the wider globe of today.

And the answer is yes, very much so. The Renaissance, that’s a really that, now that is a fascinating question because the Renaissance is important because we’re not talking about the general population in Europe as the general population. The peasants of Europe, whether male or female are illiterate in the main. But there is a change at the top of society. And women are well-educated, not just aristocratic women, but business women.