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Jeremy Rosen
Rashi and Meiri: Giants of French Jewry

Wednesday 2.11.2022


Jeremy Rosen discusses the history of Rashi and Meiri and explains why they were two of the greatest scholars in Jewish history.

Jeremy Rosen

An image of Jeremy Rosen

Manchester-born Jeremy Rosen was educated at Cambridge University England and Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He has practiced as an orthodox rabbi, as principal of Carmel College in the UK, and as professor at the Faculty for Comparative Religion in Antwerp, Belgium. He has written and lectured extensively in the UK and the US, where he now resides and was the rabbi of the Persian-Jewish community in Manhattan.

This is a very good question. The question is, did he develop a different Hebrew script, or was it a script developed by the printer, because it was easier for the printer to produce it? There are many people who are experts who say it was the printer who produced the Rashi script, and not Rashi himself.