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Judge Dennis Davis
Anton Bruckner: Does it Matter that Hitler Loved his Music?

Monday 24.01.2022


Judge Dennis Davis explores the work of Austrian composer Anton Bruckner (1824–1896), specifically examining his relationship with Hitler and how that relationship impacts our view of him and his work.

Judge Dennis Davis


Dennis Davis is a judge of the High Court of South Africa and judge president of the Competition Appeals Court of South Africa. He has held professorial appointments at the University of Cape Town and University of the Witwatersrand, as well as numerous visiting appointments at Cambridge, Harvard, New York University, and others. He has authored eleven books, including Lawfare: Judging Politics in South Africa.

I’m sure it did, Monty, I’m absolutely sure it did because of the fact that Jewish musicians were very dominant in many of those orchestras. And we all know that numerous musicians, some Jewish, some not, who left and were chucked out, then went and enriched their life as American classical music in the most extraordinary way. But that of course is an entirely different, a different story for a different time.