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Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Churchill’s Quote on Russia: ‘A Riddle Wrapped in Mystery Inside an Enigma’

Monday 2.05.2022


Sir Malcolm Rifkind provides insights into the historical events that shaped modern Russia, focusing on the pivotal years of 1990 and 1991. He highlights the end of the Cold War, the collapse of communism in Europe, and the disintegration of the Russian empire as crucial developments. Putin’s concerns about NATO expansion and the desire for influence over former Soviet states, based on historical and cultural claims, contribute to his view of the collapse as a disaster. This perspective becomes crucial in understanding contemporary geopolitical tensions, particularly Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind

an image of Malcolm Rifkind

Malcolm Rifkind has served as foreign secretary, minister of defense, and, subsequently, as chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee (which had oversight of MI6, KI5, and GCHQ.) He is, currently a visiting professor at the Department of War Studies at Kings College, London.