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The Right and Honourable Lord David Young
Unintended Consequences or The Impossibility of Politics

Monday 20.06.2022


Lord David Young, an entrepreneur who spent time in government primarily during the era of Margaret Thatcher’s leadership, shares insights into the complexities and challenges of political governance, reflecting on his own experiences in government and commenting on contemporary political developments. The discussion also covers political events, including Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the crisis in Ukraine.

The Right and Honourable Lord David Young

an image of David Young

The Rt. Hon Lord Young of Graffham CH (David) has had a varied and distinguished career after graduating from University College London. After practicing as a solicitor for a year, he entered the world of business, founding the first of many enterprises in 1961. Lord Young entered the cabinet in 1984, later becoming secretary of state for employment and then trade and industry until 1989 when he returned to private life. In 1990 he became executive chairman of Cable & Wireless PLC until 1995 when he retired and founded Young Associates, where he remains as chairman. In 2010 Lord Young was appointed advisor to the prime minister on enterprise and served for the whole of the Coalition Parliament. Lord Young is married with two children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He is an avid photographer whose work has been featured in many exhibitions.