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Dr. Dorianne Cara Weil
From Adversity to Insight and Beyond: COVID-19

Saturday 13.06.2020


Understanding the stages of grief throughout the COVID-19 ordeal and how these natural human behavioral patterns can both hinder and help us survive this moment in history.

Dr. Dorianne Cara Weil

an image of Dorianne Cara Weil

Dorianne Cara Weil is a clinical and organizational psychologist in corporate, hospital, and private practice. She is an internationally recognized inspirational and respected speaker, expert in personal development and human relations. Entertaining, dynamic and knowledgeable, “Dr. D” is a household name who regularly hosts TV and radio shows and is quoted in the press and print media. Dorianne hosts her podcast, Thrive with “DrD”, focusing on understanding and navigating life’s journey. Her interviews include His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Mother Teresa, Benjamin Zander, and many others. She has received numerous awards, including: SA’s Most Influential Women Lifetime Achiever, in Business & Government, ABSA Lifetime Achiever Humanitarian award, and the International Rotary Paul Harris award. She is the mother of 23-year-old twins.

How do you deal with disappointment? I think just acknowledging it and in most cases, trying to understand what caused that disappointment and what is very important, which I didn’t really talk about, is I spoke about it a little bit about having clean space. Clean space with yourself.

One thing that you highlighted for me, in one of the conversations that we had, was about the importance of your own routine… and you know, when I think of a routine which might be kind of similar to what I remember, it involves some sort of exercise usually, it involves some sort of time out, it involves some time for connection, it involves some time for kind of tasks or work… it does involve looking and being mindful about what you’re eating… it involves good sleep. The research actually says that we need seven hours of sleep at night. So, you know, exercise, sleep, nutrition are important for taking care not only of your physical health, but your mental health as well.