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Patrick Bade
Chana Orloff

Sunday 3.10.2021


Just a few weeks after getting a personal tour of Chana Orloff’s studio from her granddaughter, Patrick Bade gives a beautiful presentation on sculptor Chana Orloff’s life and work.

Patrick Bade

An image of Patrick Bade.

Patrick Bade is a historian, writer, and broadcaster. He studied at UCL and the Courtauld Institute of Art. He was a senior lecturer at Christie’s Education for many years and has worked for the Art Fund, Royal Opera House, National Gallery, and V&A. He has published on 19th- and early 20th-century paintings and historical vocal recordings. His latest book is Music Wars: 1937–1945.

I think she needs to be better known. I think she’s wonderful. But you know, you can see, of course, as I said, after the Second World War, that kind of figurative sculpture was totally passe. You know, there was a long period where she would’ve been deeply unfashionable.

I’m not sure, as I said, there’s a caricatural element, but I never feel it’s bitter. It’s not like, actually I made that comparison with Otto Dix but she’s never kind of harsh and satirical in the way that he is.