Week of 29 April–5 May 2024
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Date & time (UK)
29 April, 6:00pm (UK)
William Tyler
The Ottoman Empire
29 April, 8:00pm (UK)
Robert Fox
War, Peace and People
30 April, 6:00pm (UK)
Trudy Gold
Death of a Tyrant: The World of Adolf Hitler
1 May, 3:30pm (UK)
Jeremy Rosen
Making Sense of the Bible: Can its Ancient Text be Relevant Today? Numbers 22, Balaam the Sorcerer
1 May, 6:00pm (UK)
Sandra Myers
‘Beloved Infidel’ from Homelessness to Hollywood: The Story of Sheilah Graham
1 May, 8:00pm (UK)
Trudy Gold
Expulsion from Spain and Bayezid II
2 May, 6:00pm (UK)
Judge Dennis Davis
Leonard Bernstein’s Kaddish Symphony: An Exploration of its Music and Theology
2 May, 8:00pm (UK)
Hadley Freeman
Tanya Gold
Hadley Freeman and Tanya Gold: October 7 and the Left
3 May, 3:00pm (UK)
Rabbi Jonathan Shippel
Parsha of the Week
4 May, 6:00pm (UK)
Professor David Peimer
Image of the Arab in Shakespeare
5 May, 6:00pm (UK)
Trudy Gold
The House of Nasi